Maybank – GO Ahead Challenge

Maybank – GO Ahead Challenge

Maybank GO Ahead Challenge is an international CEO challenge, welcoming students from all over the globe to compete in a series of challenges. The aim of the challenge is designed to :

1. Challenge their intellect and enhance creativity.
2. Test their endurance.

Winners of the Maybank GO Ahead Challenge will be offered a spot in the Global Maybank Apprentice Programme (GMAP), Maybank’s award winning management trainee programme, along with experiential prizes.

There were a couple of issues faced by Maybank’s Go Ahead Challenge, namely :

1. The event did not possess enough visibility outside of participants. Awareness of the GO Ahead Challenge was largely limited to participants and their immediate friends & family.

2. Considering Maybank’s stature as a global institution, Maybank’s Go Ahead Challenge faced several obstacles regarding internal regulations and the utilization of social media.

Strategy & Execution
To combat these issues, we established an official group and page on social media. Through this, we now had the means to :

1. Solve our long-standing participation issues.
2. Create relatable content that appeals to the target audience of undergraduates and young minds alike.
3. Showcase official videos to a wider audience, as well as exhibiting the live coverage of the grand finale.

Views/Reach: Through a combination of our official page and external platforms, we garnered a total of 60,580 engagements and 685,173 impressions during the campaign.